Welcome Pack
Welcome to Kingfisher Apartments
Please take the time to read useful information for a smooth transition into Kingfisher Apartments
Welcome to Kingfisher Apartments, Port Moresby. Built in 2007, the property has 40 executive apartment units, offering quality waterfront living in a prime location of the City. With the Yacht Club next door and various shopping centres, restaurants and bars nearby, Kingfisher Apartments is a great option for tenants looking for convenience and quality of living.

The Management Plus team manages Kingfisher Apartments and our team are here to ensure your stay is enjoyable from the time you move in until your departure. For any maintenance issues, queries or services, please contact our team via the following methods below.

This page provides additional information about living in Kingfisher Apartments and we appreciate if you can take the time to read useful information and general rules while residing here.

Email: info@mplpng.com
Phone: +675 321 4015 
Maintenance: http://kingfisherpng.buildinglink.com
Clothing Lines - No clothing, towels or other articles are to be hung on or over the balustrades. Each Apartment is equipped with a retractable clothes line and must be used accordingly.

By-Laws - These are non-smoking apartments, and we would be grateful for your cooperation to only smoke on the balcony. Please refrain from any behavior which is likely to lessen the enjoyment of other residents and guests of Kingfisher Apartments. This includes undue noise, drunkenness, offensive language and behavior including a breach of the By-Laws of Kingfisher Apartments.

Please note there is a noise curfew – NO EXCESSIVE NOISE after 9pm from Sunday to Thursday, 10pm Friday and Saturday. Please have consideration for other residents whilst enjoying yourself.

Fire Exit - The front door to the apartment has a Fire Exit Plan, which shows the exit path in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Notices - Make sure you read and comply with all notices displayed in your apartment and in the common areas.

General Housekeeping


General Rules

The Pool and BBQ areas are open from 6:00 am - 9:00 pm. Children must be supervised at all times for their own safety. No surfboards, flippers, boards, balls, bats, or bikes to be used in the pool area.

People using the pool must be suitably attired at all times. Babies must wear suitable nappies. Kindly ensure that you are free of dirt before entering the pool and THOROUGHLY DRY before re-entering the accommodation building.

Garbage Disposal - ALL garbage is to be SECURELY wrapped and placed in the refuse bins at the foot of the stairway to the building entrance. Leftover seafood and scraps must be properly wrapped and kept frozen until the time of disposal.

Pool & BBQ
For events with over 10 people, a request MUST be made to Management Plus through the Building Link portal for permission to use the pool area. Please ensure you have signed the Kingfisher Apartments - Amenities Booking Agreement before your event. Use of plastic and or paper plates or cups only are permitted in the pool area. Glassware is not permitted at any time. When using the barbecue, please CLEAN the hotplate and bench thoroughly after use. Place food scraps and general refuse in bins provided. If you move the pool furniture please return to its original position. For safety and security reasons, children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Events/ Birthday Parties

Pool & BBQ

Pets/ Air-conditioning

Pets and Animals - No pets of any kind are to be brought onto the premises of Kingfisher Apartments. Please DO NOT feed birds or stray animals.

Air-Conditioning - It is understandable that Port Moresby has hot and humid weather, encouraging the use of air-conditioning. When using the air conditioner, we recommend setting the temperature between 22℃ to 25℃ degrees to provide comfortable living. Avoid dropping the settings to lower temperatures as this will require servicing the air-conditioner more regularly

Kingfisher Apartments are under security surveillance 24 hours, 7 days of the week. The daytime shift comprises 4 guards and night shift 6 guards. A mobile unit also makes routine checks to the property at regular intervals. Kingfisher Apartments also has surveillance cameras monitored from the Manager’s office and guardhouse. Protecting the perimeter of the property is an electric wire fence; please do not come into contact with it.



Personal Belongings

To minimise any issues from arising we recommend to close and lock all doors and windows before leaving your apartment. Avoid leaving valuables in your car and lock up your vehicle.

Do not provide access to anyone unknown to you while you are entering or leaving the premises, either walking or by car (unless they have their own Kingfisher access card and/or keys).

YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY IS NOT INSURED by Management Plus Ltd, Owners or Body Corporate. In the evenings, upon approach to the Kingfisher Apartments gate entrance; please turn on cabin lights in your vehicle to allow security guards to identify residents, prior to allowing entry.

Residents are issued with 1 or 2 sets of keys and access cards as required. Lost keys will incur a cost for a replacement set. Remember to take keys with you when you are leaving the building, as they are the only way to gain entry once you are outside. Lost keys/tags must be reported immediately to Management.
  • Solid Coloured Key - Common Entry Key
  • White - Safe Haven Key (main bedroom)
  • Pink - Haus Meri (Cleaner) Key
  • 2 x Red - Resident Keys



A/C Easy Guide

Air-conditioning - Majority of our air-conditioning systems are under the Acson brand with a few units operating on different brands. The following information below can be adapted similarly to the other systems if your apartment has a different system in place.
Turbo - This button maximizes the cooling effect in any operation mode for maximum capacity. It rapidly cools down your room within a span of 30 minutes and automatically operates again with the previous settings before the TURBO function.
Fan - This button controls the level of air-flow from the unit from either Low, Medium, High or Auto (adjusts fan speed from high to low depending on temperature of the room)
Quiet Mode - This function is normally used during the night as it reduces noise made from the outdoor fan unit and provides comfortable temperature settings suitable for sleep. The "Sleep" mode provides similar functionality.
Modes - Different modes are available for suitable times and conditions. Your air-conditioner will also operate with the same operation mode the next time you switched it on.
Cool Mode - When switched on, the compressor cools the room temperature by extracting the heat out while pushing the cold air into a room. Cool mode is commonly set as the default mode is most air-conditioning systems.
Dry Mode - This function reduces the temperature in a room by lowering its humidity level. It is most convenient during a rainy season as cold air is not necessarily needed due its environmental temperature. However, do note that this mode is not meant to remove ALL the moisture in the room.
Fan Mode - This mode enables users to utilise the fan function of an air-conditioning system to keep cool. In comparison to its other modes, this is the most convenient and energy saving function as the compressor is turned off in this mode. Please note if the dry mode or cool mode doesn't appear, the aircon will only circulate the air throughout the room without any cooling.

A/C Easy Guide



There is one car space allocated per apartment. All residents are requested to use ONLY their allocated space to avoid inconveniencing others. Overnight parking is not permitted in the allocated visitor parking areas. Likewise, visitors may only park at their designated parking areas.

Visitors - If you are expecting visitors, please ensure that you complete the Visitor Notification Log Book at the guard house prior to the arrival of your visitors. Visitors are the responsibility of the resident during the term of their visit.

Intercom System - Arriving visitors can make contact via the intercom panel outside the front door. If you wish to allow them access to your apartment, press the button marked with the symbol of the KEY. Children are NOT TO PLAY with the intercom panel as it ties up the system for the whole building.



Haus Meri (Cleaner)

Residents who employ haus meris (cleaners) must advise their details to Management.

Haus meris will be provided an ID card to allow them access the property. The cost of printing the ID cards shall be charged to the resident.

Digicel Cable Television Subscription is available free of charge for the tenant’s enjoyment under the Maoro Package. The TV subscription comes with a Decoder and Remote Control. There is a cable port in the living room and also one in the master bedroom. The Maoro Package comprises 62 different channels.

Cable TV


Internet/ Telephone

Internet - Each Apartment has an internet port. If you wish to connect a permanent connection with an Internet Service Provider, please contact us for more information

There are various Wireless Mobile Networks as well worth checking, including Telikom, B-Mobile and Digicel

Telephone - Each Apartment has a telephone port in the living room and also in the master bedroom. Telikom is the sole provider for Landlines in PNG and it is the tenant’s responsibility to connect individual lines. Management will be able to give you a supporting letter to confirm your tenancy at Kingfisher Apartments in support of your landline application.
Report breakages or other irregularities to the Management office immediately as they are discovered, in order to have them remedied swiftly. Management Plus provides tenants with access to Building Link, our property maintenance portal. This is the preferred form of communication to submit any maintenance requests to our team for action to be taken.
Building Link also allows tenants to make any bookings on our facilities or to be notified about any general announcements. Upon tenancy, you will receive login details for Building Link and you will be able to communicate and monitor the status of maintenance issues with the MPL team in a central location. For more information on how to setup your Building link account, please scan the QR code or type in the URL here.

URL : kingfisherpng.buildinglink.com

Maintenance/ Building Link


Contact Me
Michael Bai
Property Manager
Management Plus Ltd
Phone: +675 321 4015
Email: info@mplpng.com
Emergency Contacts
For emergencies or inquiries, please contact the following places below
Ph: 1800 100
St John Ambulance
Ph: 111 / 303 1000
Port Moresby Fire Department
110 | 1100 | 312 2790
Medical Centres
Aspen Medical -
Reception line 1: +675 321 0202
Reception line 2: +675 321 0187
Reception Mobile: +675 7459 7209

Pacific International Hospital (PIH) - 7998 8000

Port Moresby General Hospital -

324 8200

© 2021 Management Plus